首页 / 茶叶知识 / 每日测试词汇量2021.10.6


A. 每日测试词汇量,复习巩固不会忘(2024.2.8.)1.流利说阅读:15079个;2. 薄荷阅读:14744个;3.英语水平测试:系统估算词汇量个;21998; 4.扇贝英语单词词汇量测试:15446;5.轻松背单词:12000;6.英语词汇社:词汇量测试:14878; 7.沪江英语词汇量测试:14000;8.有道英语词汇量测试:11411。B.阅读(浏览)词汇量累计统计(自2021.10.6.起) 19313497个,今日阅读(浏览)内容单词个数:6347个。精选片段分享:The clay pots are placed next to the wall with more than ten threadsthat hung from the top of the wall. Each thread is spaced seven or eight cun apart for each vine to climb. This is a new method this year. In theprevious years I used to put my pots on a wooden support about three chi high. In this way the vines of the morning glories would climb to the top ofthe wall easily. The wines which grew later would get tangled with the olderones, and often hung down for their own weight. But the tender vines at theends would again lift their heads like many tiny snakes and climb upwards and againget tangled with the delicate vines. When they could no longer bear their ownweight, they would play the same old trick. Therefore, there were often thickpiles of rich leaves and flowers on top of the wall, far superior to the middlepart of the wall. This year they began to climb from the bottom of the wall,but they must climb at additional three chi this time. In this way things maybe much better. And what is more, there will be a wall covered evenly withleaves and flowers.

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